Monday 21 January 2013

When a Blog is Born

Did I just compare my blog to the baby Jesus? Never mind.

I'm writing this as I felt I ought to make a blog, properly, perhaps as a source of information, although if you're resourceful you'll click the Lift Big Eat Big tab and get your lifting learners hat on!!
              After a long time of being bullied and being the fat kid I started Crossfit, and then got into Power lifting, I started my training and to this day train at Crossfit Tonbridge. I'm a firm 'believer' in what Pastor B has to say as he enlightens the population one lifter at a time so get clicking on the Lift Big Eat Big tab!! DO IT.

                                             And Pastor B knows how to lift BIG!

Recently I hit a PR on my deadlift of 220kg or 490lbs. This demolished my target of 200kgs!

I feel I should probably give an overview of my targets:
The end of March; Deadlift - 235kg / 527lbs
                            Squat  -  185kg / 407lbs (Can't wait to hit 500!!)
                            Bench -  110kg / 242lbs Yeah I know my bench is behind. I don't like Benching...   But it has to be done for my sport, I'm hoping I'll be training mostly with overhead work!

I hope to see you on my blog again sometime. I'll be updating it regularly, I'm a friendly guy so just email or facebook me, any questions I'll do my best to help you with.
And make sure you check out 
If you don't you're a chump!

Started on baby Jesus, so let's finish with the baby Jesus.

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